Sunday, February 28, 2010

An odd way to say, "Thank you!"

My food story since surgery has been interesting.
  • A "bounty!" of produce brought by Mom and Dad (B has a habit of singing this while raising her arms that compels me to shake my head at her).
  • The night before surgery, the nummy pork from Cafe Rio that Ashlee gifted us with for Mom's birthday (made by me).
  • The night after surgery (my first food in more than 24 hours), the hospital's beef with broccoli.
  • The next day and part of the next--grilled cheese and tomato soup--Velveeta and Campbell's--totally childhood memories of feel-better comfort food (sorry, it is what I wanted).
  • A beautiful Southern Season chocolate gift basket from the 3 Musketeers at work.
  • Gorgeous, delicate, white bean soup while cheering for various Olympic sports with AP.
  • Mashed potatoes.
  • Pineapple, clemantines, oranges, bananas . . .
  • German Pancakes from B.
  • Cereal--as a non-cereal eater, I've been weirdly pro-cereal of late. Maybe because all of the drugs make my body uneasy about a lot of things, so cereal is simple enough not to throw it into a tailspin.
  • A pasta salad bursting with so many intricate flavors, I am sure I haven't hit them all yet--maybe Rachel will share the recipe?
  • Crepes, crepes, crepes. Brit's berry sauce recipe and Thells's lemon custard recipe, I may need. Though the standard Parmesan chicken with Boursin and raspberry jam is always delicious, spiced nuts with pear and goat cheese is pretty amazing.
  • Crack cupcakes (really pumpkin, chocolate baby cupcakes that you can't stop eating) from the Major Baker.
  • German Chocolate Cake Balls--mmm, mmm, mmm. CC, we need to have a tasting of various flavor combinations and then rate them all!
  • Reheated sausage and egg, from A, mixed with golden pancakes for a delicious new take on pigs in a blanket.
  • As a kid, I hated meatloaf, but when HK (doesn't that kind of feel like a combination of Harry Potter and JK Rowling?) stopped by with baked potatoes, green beans, and mini-meatloaves (almost a deconstructed shepherd's pie), both Miss B and I couldn't get enough! Long after there were exclamations of it's goodness.
  • Pizza, Pizza.
  • Oatmeal, pumpkin, chocolate chip cookies (another Major creation of doom--and by doom I mean I cannot stop eating them) and milk.
  • Pineapple.
  • Shakespearean in it's flavor pedigree, but simple in its ingredients--gorgeous, perfectly seasoned Asparagus with moist, flavorful chicken. And a berry pie. Perfectly, lusciously delicious and filling--not too fancy, but perfection in every bite.
So there you have it, a week and a half worth of food to fill the tummy and warm the soul of a recuperating, slightly vertigo-troubled individual who truly appreciates those who have brightened her recovery with their gifts. Thank you!

P.S. Please, if you can, post recipes--I think everyone deserves to revel in the splendor of this glorious "Bounty!"

1 comment:

  1. the mini-meatloaf recipe will be coming soon...glad you enjoyed them - HK
